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B & W Rose and foilage_edited_edited.jpg

Change Maker

Working with story, I bring my particular collection of skills and experience to inspire, provoke and encourage new narratives.

Using interdisciplinary practice to unpack the stories we tell ourselves and the tales we tell others, I use image-work, dialogue, writing, movement, voice-work, and performance. Exploring cultural myths and ancestral stories, I am currently developing my work with rites and ritual.


The processes I work with are collaborative and emergent, bringing both depth and rigour in getting to the heart of an issue.

Amongst others I am inspired by this definition of a social artist by Jean Houston . . .

"Social Artistry is the art of enhancing human capacities in the light of social complexity.

It seeks to bring new ways of thinking, being and doing to social challenges in the world." 

Delicia and Deb - Shadow 1.png
Photo by Sarah Robbins & Hannah Wirgman, Collaborators - Delicia Sefiha & Deborah Temple - Design by RJT
Wound Worship.png

I am interested in the process of alchemy,

whether the medium is people, clay, fabric, or food. .


I believe, when we dare

to bring our courage and creativity together

with the intention of exploring change, magic can happen!

Photo by Sarah Robbins & Hannah Wirgman,
Collaborators - Delicia Sefiha, Lottie Ball, Deborah Temple,&
Rosalind J Turner - Design by RJT
Courage &
Courage &
Courage &

"The work needs to address issues that people care about,

in a way that people can understand,

with the goal of making change."

Judy Chicago 

In discussion with Suzanne Lacy March 2011

You Tube

'investigating how we are as human beings, 
and the structures we design for ourselves'

What do you dare explore?

'unpacking the stories we tell ourselves,
and the identities we co-create'

Let's Play!

DAWLISH - Coryton Cove - Oct 10th 2020
Delicia and Lottie - Red Thread 1
Weymouth Dip - 01 01 2020
Cut out Silhouette copy - LANDSCAPE - OR
bird of prey in blue sky
watercolour play - nightscape over Weymo
Writing in the fire
Coaching Pics - March 16th 18 - 6
The alternative Royal Wedding AC with Artspace Lifespace - May 19th 2018
rjt in the mirror
Antique blouse and fascinator 2 cropped_edited

What other people say . . . 

"Rosalind is a skilled workshop designer and facilitator. Her superpower is the design of interdisciplinary arts processes crafted to help participants make that deep dive into different parts of their psyche an easy ask; for example, working with a favourite childhood story.  Accessing 'The Little Mermaid' enabled me to see a multitude of different facets of me as well as the context I live within.  Reflecting back, that empowered me to take the best of each facet and then employ those strengths out in the world.  This was gentle yet deeply potent work."

Rebecca Hartnell

AKA Daemon Career Coach  

‘What a rich, soul nourishing day '

Journey to the Heart of Bravery' was! I felt seen, heard, accepted & celebrated among a powerful circle of 10 women. An honour to have been part of it and grateful for all the ‘tools’ I am taking with me, thank you for your skilled facilitation.

Sofia Vafeiadou

"Working on the preparation and delivery of the showcase and
discussion as part of the 'Bravery School' Artists Residency was one that tested the group. The result showed great dedication and professionalism by everyone involved to fully participate. The strength of trust between each other was strong enough to improvise a performance before the rehearsed showcase.

This was a real highlight for me."

Annalease Paul - Bravery School Participant in 2017 Artists Residency

"The highlights of the Bravery School Artists Residency for me were as follows . . . 

  • Your flexibility, your welcoming, your celebration, your trust in me as a visiting facilitator. 

  • Very quickly being welcomed by an amazing group of women

  • .Experiencing the trust and your incredible holding in the space

  • The extraordinary pushing of boundaries, touching on deep issues in a really beautiful and profound way.

Thank you for the experience."

Tallulah Rendall - Singer Songwriter and Creative Facilitator

Reflecting on my experience during the Bravery School Residency and its impact on my professional practice, it was a really good reminder of how collaborating with artists of different disciplines and backgrounds is really important to me as a choreographer.

The stories we shared and the workshops we did gave me some inspiration to create new choreographic material.


During this residency I also realised that I should explore more how games and exercises can turn into performance pieces or movement material. I’ve always liked experimenting and exploring through games to make movements and construct a piece but I feel that lately this is something I have put aside.   This residency and these vignettes we created reminded me how important that is.

Delicia Sefiha BA

Dance Artist 

Inspiring Bravery Text Graphic 2 - With

Practice change ~ making  . . .

Facilitated morning walk Resurgence 50 Conference - Sept 16 - Worcester College - PHOTOGRAPH by Roy Riley

Rosalind J Turner
Antique blouse and fascinator 1 cropped_edited.jpg
Gothic Picture Frame 1.png
BA & PGDip.Hum.Psych.

A little note about this website

Perfectly scrollable for your phone,

but designed by RJT with a bigger screen in mind, ENJOY . . . 

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The majority of photographs and images on this website have been taken/created by RJT

and a handful of nature shots by Candida Corcoran. 

As for the rest, they were taken as part of specific projects, for Resurgence - Roy Riley,

for Bravery School Artists Residency, Hannah Wirgman, Sarah Robbins, 

and for Bravery School Showcase Performance and Q&A - Claire Williams 

As for some of the older images,

I wholeheartedly apologise to all of the photographers whose names over the mists of time

have been lost . . . but I thank you for contributing to this portfolio of images.  

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